Roofing projects
Nationwide Roofing & Cladding Ltd in Eastleigh can deal with all sorts of industrial and commercial roof-related work, including installations and repairs, plus guttering, over cladding and asbestos removal. Get in touch to discuss your needs.
Our roofing, cladding and related work
This is a project for Cribb Electrical in Portsmouth where we removed the asbestos roof and installed a new composite roof with rooflights.

This is a project for a company called Hirtenberger Defence International.
It was on Building 94 we removed the existing metal roof and wall cladding and installed Kingspan Composite roof and wall sheets.
This is another project; it was for Farnborough Airport the Runway Lighting Sub-Station.
We installed a Sinusoidal profiled wall sheet to the block work walls, to match the existing buildings.

This is a project we carried out for National Oceanography Centre in Southampton.
It was an overlay to the existing warehouse roof with the Euroclad Elite Refresh SF500 System.
These projects had the existing bonded asbestos roof and wall cladding removed and Kingspan Sinusoidal insulated panels installed.